Alphabetical Keywords List

This page contains an alphabetical list of Software Update Wizard script keywords.  Click the keyword to jump to the relevant help section.

Or, click here to go to the full Keywords reference page or here to go to a categorised list of keywords.

Note: All Software Update Wizard keywords are case-sensitive.

AdditionalFile Lets you specify an additional file to be downloaded and installed within a section.  The file is additional to the principal file specified in the Filename or Zipfile keyword lines.
aninteger Defines a Software Update Wizard update block
Backup Optionally backs up files overwritten by Filename= keyword
Bitmap Change the default dialog bitmap image to one of your own
CampaignManager Launch a Campaign Manager script from within an Update script
CheckFile Check version number / date and time stamp / MD5 of any file on user's PC as condition for update being made
CheckFileExists Update section will only be processed if file specified in this keyword exists on user's PC. The inverse behaviour is possible using the optional "<NOT>" syntax.
DelTree Deletes the specified folder tree (or just files within the folder tree, using an option flag).
DelTreeAfterKillProcess Deletes the specified folder tree after the KillProcess lines have been actioned and before the actual update is actioned.
DialogBk Change the background colour of Software Update Wizard dialogs to your specified colour.  (Default=white)
DialogTxtChange the text colour of the progress messages on the Software Update Wizard 'downloading' dialog box.
ExecAfter Launch a process (e.g. a program) after the update file has been downloaded
ExecAfterKillProcess Launch a process (e.g. a program) immediately after any processes specified in KillProcess lines have been terminated.
ExecBefore Launch a process (e.g. a program) before the update file is downloaded
FileDate Checks the file specified in the  Filename= or Zipfile= keyword and only processes the update if the version on the user's computer is older than the date specified in the 'FileDate' line
FileMD5 Checks the file specified in the  Filename= or Zipfile= keyword and only processes the update if the MD5 of the version on the user's computer is different to the MD5 specified in the 'FileMD5' line.
FileVersion Checks the file specified in the Filename= keyword and only processes the update if the version on the user's computer is earlier than the version specified in the 'FileVersion' line
Filename The URL of the update file.  See also: Zipfile.
FinalMessage A customised message for the final dialog box, after the update has been processed
Group Used in 2-pass update scripts to specify the Group which an update section belongs to.
Icon Change icon displayed on the Software Update Wizard dialog title area from its default icon
Importance Specifies whether an update is optional or compulsory.  If optional the user will be prompted for whether they wish to proceed.
IniSectionID The Software Update Wizard 'keeps count' of updates in the user's WebUpdateSvc4.ini file, using the URL of the update file as a unique label.  You can override this default with your own label using the IniSectionID keyword. 
KillProcess Closes all running instances of the specified executable process, prior to update.  See also: WindowTitle.
LoginAs Provides a login identity which will be used by the Software Update Wizard where the update file specified in the Filename= or Zipfile= keyword resides in a password protected folder.  (If you don't provide a LoginAs and Password in this situation the user will be prompted at run time for these values.)
LoggingOn Enable normal logging to the WebUpdateSvc4.log file in the user's 'Windows\System32' folder.  (See also: SuperLogging)
LoggingOff Disable logging to the WebUpdateSvc4.log file in the user's 'Windows\System32' folder.  (See also: SuperLogging)
LongMessage Used in 2-pass update scripts to specify the long message tag to write to the generated XML file for the update section.
Message A customised message the user sees before the update commences
MessageBoxBoilerPlate Allows you to provide a standard html template which will be used to style all Software Update Wizard message boxes.
MD5 Option which lets you specify an integrity check for the downloaded update file. The update process is aborted if the integrity check fails.
MessageBoxScale Lets you change the default size of Software Update Wizard dialog boxes.  (See also the "<MessageBoxScale=x,y>" tag option here.)
MoveFileEx In conjunction with Reboot, facilitates the update of in-use files.  (N.b. The recommended method for replacing in-use files is using WindowTitle or KillProcess.  Use MoveFileEx in situations where WindowTitle or KillProcess are inappropriate.)
NoSuccessMessage Suppresses the display of the automatic Software Update Wizard download success message box
Password Password to go with LoginAs identity.
PlatformMax Specify the highest Windows platform the section should run on
PlatformMin Specify the lowest Windows platform the section should run on
PollInterval Change the polling interval of the Software Update Wizard service.
Predownload Causes the update file to be downloaded before the user is advised that an update is available.
Prerequisite Trigger update only if specified file exists on user's computer.  If '<Version=..>' fragment is included it triggers update only if file exists AND is same or newer version than version in '<Version=..>' fragment.
Priority Used in 2-pass update scripts to specify the priority of an update section belongs to.  The controlling application may use that priority in determining which update sections to be processed in the second, execution pass.
Reboot Reboots the PC after all other commands within the script block have been completed
RunAlways Does not increment the block counter in the WebUpdateSvc4.ini file, so the same script block is processed every time.
ScrollingLink Displays a scrolling link at the bottom of the Software Update Wizard message boxes. Launches the supplied URL when the user clicks the link.
ServerTimeout Alter the default server timeout used by the update file downloader in the Software Update Wizard.
SetReg Writes the specified value to the specified registry target.
ShortMessage Used in 2-pass update scripts to specify the short message tag to write to the generated XML file for the update section.
ShowSystemTray Show or hide a system tray icon whilst updates are taking place on the user's computer.
SubmitForm Generates an http: GET request to a web server, mimicking the http: generated from a form on a web page.
SubmitVariable See SubmitForm
Subtitle Specify the subtitle text on the Software Update Wizard dialog title area.
SubTitleColor Specify the colour of the subtitle text shown at the top of the Software Update Wizard.
SuperLogging Switches verbose logging on within the scope of the update section in which it exists, reverting to the WebUpdateSvc4.ini setting thereafter.
TargetFolder Specify the target folder for the update file
Testmode Does not increment the block counter in the WebUpdateSvc4.ini file, so the same script block is processed every time
Throttle Allows the download speed used by the Software Update Wizard to be throttled back in order to reduce interference with the user's overall internet speed.
Title Specify the text which is displayed on the graduated title bar of the Software Update Wizard dialog boxes
TitleBk Specify the from-to colours used in the graduated title bar on the Software Update Wizard dialog boxes
TitleTxt Specify the colour of the text displayed in the graduated title bar on the Software Update Wizard dialog boxes
WindowTitle Close a running application prior to update, based on the text in their title bar.  (Facilitates update of in-use files.)  (See also: KillProcess.
XML_FileVersion= Used in 2-pass update scripts to add the version number of a specified file to the generated XML file.
XML_Spare= Used in 2-pass update scripts to provide any additional information to the controlling application from the update script section.
Zipfile Specify the URL of a zip file on your server containing the updated files.  Downloads and unzips the file to the user's computer.  See also: Filename